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Author: Caterina Roma

l’art de la table
T.K. art gallery

l’art de la table
T.K. art gallery

29/09/23 – 02/10/2023

A new exhibition of dinnerware in Japan, a country in which handmade pieces of daily use are extremely valued, and craftsmanship, considered an art.

An exhibition of porcelain pieces for daily use by brand, Trepat Barcelona, with complex crystalline glazes: new shapes designed especially for Japanese cuisine. The L’Art de la Table, the title of the exhibition, wanted to convey the idea that it is not only about dinnerware, but everything that has to do with gathering around a table: sensitivity, creativity, good taste and attention to detail. Although this is an art in which Japan excels, the east-west dialogue creates a different style, which allows to create out of the traditional canon of food preparation: new combination of colors and textures, much appreciated by chefs and restaurants of luxury, but also for creative people who love good food.

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Cheongju Craft Biennale 2023

Cheongju Craft Biennale 청주공예비엔날레

01/09/23 – 15/10-23

The Cheongju Craft Biennale, an event dating back to 1999, is the world’s best and largest craft biennial with approximately 3,000 artists from 60 countries participating, and an audience of 400,000 visiting each event. It includes all craft disciplines and showcases both Korean and international contemporary authors.
This year, Spain was the invited country: the Soul+Matter exhibition was organized by Fundesarte, the Spanish Crafts Council, and curated by Rubén Torres.

The pieces selected to be exhibited at the Korean Craft Biennale are part of an installation about the 13 moons of the year. Since I wood-fire only three times a year, I fired four moons in each firing, (one for each month) placed in a different area of the kiln.
In this way, the different temperatures and currents of fire inside the kiln would give each moon a different personality related to its month. It was quite an experiment, driven both by chance and intuition.
In this exhibition there are 6 of the 13 moons around a bright sun – one of the most complex wood-fired pieces I’ve ever obtained.

  • Cheongju Craft Biennale 2023 SOUL + MATTER


  • Cheongju Craft Biennale 2023 SOUL + MATTER

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  • Cheongju Craft Biennale 2023 SOUL + MATTER


  • Cheongju Craft Biennale 2023 SOUL + MATTER

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  • Cheongju Craft Biennale 2023 SOUL + MATTER

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The 31 Spanish creators who participated in the show were Mercedes Vicente (textile, Madrid), Regina Dejiménez (textile, Madrid), Soledad Santisteban (textile, Bilbao), Adriana Meunié (vegetable fibers, Palma de Mallorca), Idoia Cuesta (basketry , Outeiro de Rei, Lugo), Francisco Carrera (embroidery, Seville), Mónica Guilera (basketry, Barcelona), Elisabet Urpí and Nacho Umpiérrez of ‘Eliurpi’ (vegetable fibers, Barcelona), Benjamín Ramírez of ‘Da Capo Escultura’ (marble , Las Pedroñeras, Cuenca), Jean Briac (marble, Barcelona), Roger Coll (ceramics, Badalona, ​​Barcelona), Caterina Roma (ceramics, Lleida), María Oriza (ceramics, Aranda de Duero, Burgos), Myriam Jiménez (ceramics, Madrid), Raúl Mouro (ceramics, Llamas de Mouro, Asturias), Rafael Galindo (ceramics, Vila-Real, Castellón), Fernando Garcés (ceramics, Calatorao, Zaragoza), Raquel Vidal and Pedro Paz from ‘Canoa Lab’ (ceramics, Almería), Stella Rahola (glass, Barcelona), Sara Sorribes (glass, Valencia), Ferran Collado (glass, Barcelona), Marc Monzó (jewelry, Barcelona), José Marín (jewelry, Valencia), Marta Armada (ceramic jewelry, Vigo ), Eva Fortuño (jewellery, Barcelona), Toni Porto (wood, Madrid), Ricardo Tena (metal, Barcelona), Natividad Rodríguez (biomaterial, Jaén), and Victoria Rabal (paper, Barcelona).

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Caterina Roma © 2024